Some people are still many doubts about the truth of this religion, no exception is those who have been claiming to be Muslim. So we need to know that Islam is the religion of truth with some facts below:
1. The name "Muhammad" is the name of the most popular around the world (though one of Mohammed Mahomed .. .. etc) and was ranked number two in the United Kingdom to name a baby boy (the first sequence is occupied by the name 'Jack')
2. Albania is the only country in Europe that 90% of the population are Muslims.
3. The following words absorbed from Arabic: Algebra, Zero, Cotton, Sofa, Rice, Candy, Saffron, Balcony, even the 'Alcohol' is also derived from the Arabic, Al-Kuhl, who have the meanings powder
4. Some verses in the Qur'an describes the importance of equal rights between men and women (in a mathematical calculation.) The word "man" and "Women"in the Qur'an are both numbered 24
5. No there is nothing in the Kaaba
6. Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world according to many sources, is expected to become the number 1 religion in 2030
7. Hindus believe that in the Kaaba is one of God those who are called 'Shiva lingam'
8. Prophet Muhammad's pilgrimage is only 2 times in his life
9. If now the Qur'an were destroyed, then the Arabic version of the Qur'an will soon recover by millions of Muslims, called Huffaz who had memorized the words in the Quran from beginning until the end of paragraph .
10. Original name of the holy city of Medina was "Yasthrib"
11. Muslims increased 2.9% per year. This growth was more rapid than the growth of the population of the earth itself is only 2.3% per year.
12. Based on data from the United States Department of Defense. Of the 1.4 million soldiers in the American military, it is estimated there are approximately 3,700 Moslems (Muslims).
13. Islam spread to the archipelago of the earth when the Prophet Muhammad's life masi
14. As many as 8 million Muslims who now exist in the U.S. and 20,000 Americans convert to Islam every year after the events of 9 / 11
15. The bodies of the Prophet Muhammad ever wanted stolen 2 times, but kedua2nya failed and one who stole the God of earth removed by
16. The body of Pharaoh (Ramses II) who drowned in the sea of red, Just found
by archaeologist Giovanni Battista Belzoni in 1817. after 3000 years under the soil and sand
17. The Qur'an is the only holy book that can be memorized by millions of people (Hafidz / penghafal Qur'an) so that the authenticity / purity is always maintained.
18. If other religions can have more than 4 different versions of the holy book of one another, the Quran there is only one and there was no contradiction in it:
19. The astronauts have discovered that the planet Earth, it issued a kind of radiation that is centered in the city of Mecca, precisely derived from the Kaaba. What is surprising is that radiation is infinite (endless), the radiation penetrates the planet mars and still continues. Researchers believe that this radiation has the characteristics and connections between the Kaaba on the planet Earth with the Kaaba in the netherworld.
Spoiler for sources:
20. Other studies reveal that the Black Stone is a stone's oldest stone in the world and can also float in water.
21. Prayer is first performed by Rasulallah Saw overlooking the Grand Mosque is the 'Asr prayer with his companions, after previously oriented to the Masjid Baitul Maqdis for sixteen months.
22. IBRAHIM is the "father" of the three major religions, namely "Judaism", "Christians", and "Islam".
23. Angel of the countless and only God knows.
24. Islam means "submission" or "surrender" to the one God, Allah. "Islam" is derived from the word "salam", "peace" and the second within the meaning of "surrender. " Thus, the meaning of "Islam" is "the perfect peace that comes when we submit to God's life. "
25. Rasulullah never splitting the moon into 2 parts, with only the moon with his finger pointing. God is enshrined in the Qur'an surah Al-Qamar verse 1: "It's been close qiamat day, and the moon has split."
26. before Prophet Ibrahim to set foot on the ground Kaaba Mecca existing buildings that have been built by the angels and the generation
before Prophet Ibrahim. It can be understood from the word "Yarfa'u" raise the means to raise the existing building.
27. Aliran sesat di Indonesia dalam rentangan waktu selama 6 tahun saja (2001 – 2006) telah mencapai angka 250 aliran.
28. Rasulullah menyebutkan ada 73 golongan dalam islam, dan hanya 1 yang akan masuk jannah yaitu "Al Jama’ah".
29. Nabi Muhammad tidak bisa membaca dan tidak bisa menulis, namun ingatannya sangat kuat dan sangat cerdas.
30. kata2 terakhir Nabi Muhammad sebelum wafat adalah "Ummatii … ummatii … ummatii" yang mengungkapkan betapa besar cintanya kepada umatnya.
31. Selama 23 kali perang semasa Rasulullah memimpin, hanya sekali kekalahan yang di derita kaum muslimin, yakni, perang uhud
32. Musa A.S adalah nama yang paling sering disebut dalam Al-Qur'an, sedangkan maryam adalah satu2nya nama perempuan yang disebut dalam Al-Qur'an.
33. Al-Qur'an adalah buku terlaris di benua eropa.
34. Semua anak Nabi Muhammad, yakni, Al-Qasim,Abdullah dan Ibrahim, meninggal kurang lebih pada usia 2 tahun. Allah sengaja memanggil mereka lebih awal agar kaum muslimin tidak mengangkat mereka menjadi rasul yang baru.
35. Imam Ali bin Abi Thalib adalah satu-satunya orang yang pernah lahir di dalam Ka’bah.
36. Hajar Aswad itu diturunkan dari surga, warnanya lebih putih daripada susu, dan dosa-dosa anak cucu Adamlah yang menjadikannya hitam.
37. Al Khowarizmi (matematika), Jabir Ibn Hayyan (kimia), Ibnu Khaldun (sosiologi dan sejarah), Ibnu Sina (kedokteran), Ar Razi (kedokteran), Al Biruni (fisika), Ibnu Batutah (antropologi) adalah contoh dari ratusan cendikiawan muslim yang menjadi rujukan dalam ilmu pengetahuan modern.
38. Hijir Ismail ini dahulu merupakan tempat tinggal Nabi Ismail, disitulah Nabi Ismail tinggal semasa hidupnya dan kemudian menjadi kuburan beliau dan juga ibunya.
39. Maqom Ibrahim bukanlah kuburan Nabi Ibrahim sebagaimana dugaan atau pendapat sebagian orang. Maqom Ibrahim adalah batu pijakan pada saat Nabi Ibrahim membangun Ka'bah.
40. pasukan Salib datang ke Timur ketika Khalifah Bani Abbas berada dalam masa kemunduran. Tak diduga, banyak anggota pasukan Salib tertarik kepada Islam dan kemudian menggabungkan diri dengan pasukan Salib lainnya. Thomas Arnold, dalam Al Da'wah ila Al Islam, menyebutkan bahwa mereka masuk Islam setelah melihat kepahlawanan Salahuddin sebagai cerminan ajaran Islam.
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